الاثنين، 18 فبراير 2013

تعلم الانجليزية محادثة جمل ومفردات وكلمات تتعلق بالتسوق والشوبينغ Shopping

في هذا الدرس سوف نتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بسهولة, تحميل الدروس الانجليزية السهلة لجميع المستويات, كيف تتعلم الانجليزية دون معلم بسرعة جمل ومفردات وكلمات تتعلق بالتسوق والشوبينغ Shopping, محادثات بسيطة للمبتدئين في إتقان الانجليزية.

Word List
Shop Assistant
Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
Are you being served ?
Sorry, we don't sell stamps.
Anything else?
It's on offer.
Buy two for the price  of one.
How much / many would you like?
What size do you take?
Sorry, we are out of bread .
Would another colour  do?
Would you like to try it on?
The fitting room is over there.
The dress suits  you very well.
Pay at the cash desk / till, please.
I'll take this to the cash desk / till for you.
Here you are. / Here you go.
You're welcome.
That's 20 euros/euro altogether .
You don't happen to have any change , do you?
Here's your change.
I need ...
I'd like a bottle  of milk, please.
Have you got souvenirs ?
Do you sell stamps?
Where can I buy post cards?
Where can I get a film for my camera?
Where can I find newspapers?
Are these bottles returnable ?
It doesn't fit me.
It doesn't suit  me.
I don't like it.
It's too small / big / wide / tight  / expensive .
I'm size ...
Have you got this in another  size / colour?
May I try this on, please?
Where can I try this on, please?
How much is it?
That's all.
Where is the cash desk / till?
Could I get a receipt , please?
Could I get a (plastic) bag, please?
(I'm afraid/ Sorry) I don't have any change .
Do you accept  credit cards?

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