الأربعاء، 12 ديسمبر 2012

محادثة حوار اللغة الانجليزية عن كل ما تحتاجه في عالم السياحة والفندقية

التحدث باللغة الانجليزية سهل لكن يتطلب الكثير من المهارات, أول شيء أنت تحتاج إلى حفظ الكلمات الانجليزية الشائعة, في هذا الفيديو سوف تتعلم أهم الطرق لحفظ كلمات تتعلق ب كل ما تحتاجه في عالم السياحة والفندقية في اللغة الانجليزية البسيطة والسهلة, تقنيات وأساليب التعلم السريع للانجليزية للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, التعليم باستعمال الكتب grammar pdf و الموسيقى learning english by music and songs , تعلم إجراء محادثة وكلام على الهاتف في اللغة الانجليزية بدون معلم , أهم تقنيات تدريس اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين عبر الانترنت, استخدام برامج مجانية التحميل لتعلم محادثة بالانجليزية بسرعة ودون تعب. دروس للتحميل على الأيبود, مفردات الانجليزية للمبتدئين كل ما تحتاجه في عالم السياحة والفندقية. تعلم learn english عبر الانترنت و pdf بالمجان للمبتدئين. مجموعه رائعه من المصطلحات السياحيه المترجمه من الانجليزيه الى اللغه العربيه لكى تساعدك فى معرفه العديد من المصطلاحات السياحيه Tourism is becoming more and more important - especially for those learning English Here is a two part lesson which focuses on the question of developing tourism as an industry in your local town ESL lesson plans based on the news. ESL materials for speaking, listening, vocabulary, and grammar. Free ESL activities for teachers and students., Ecological English travel and tourism communication lessons for ESL students Workbook for my Tourism English class which I taught for 8 years. Based on the KTO's English guide book, but about 80% my own ideas from my ESL. tourism industries looking to evidence their level of English Exploring Your Country Lesson Come to class today and talk about all the great things we can do and see in our own countries. Places to Stay on Road Trips Lesson Have you ever traveled on the road before and had to stay over somewhere? Would you do what Daren decides to do? English Vocabulary Cheat Sheet When You’re in the Air Article Can you handle yourself in the air as a flight attendant and as a passenger? How to Ask for the Bathroom in English Article When you’re out and about and need to use the bathroom, how do you find one in English? Breeze through hotel check-ins Lesson Paolo and Ken have arrived in New York to study English. They need to check into a hotel. Drinking Cultures Around the World (English) Article Do you know about the different drinking cultures around the world? Can you give directions in English? Quiz Find out if you’re giving the right directions to tourists, or if you’re getting them really lost! Get There by Car Lesson Daren and Jun are preparing for their road trip but are they as ready as Daren says they are? Different Ways of Greeting Someone in English Article There are so many ways of greeting someone in English. Instead of the common "hi" or "hello", learn other ways to greet someone. Finding your way around in English Article Learn how to ask directions and find your way around any English speaking city. Could you travel in English? Quiz How would you handle traveling in English? The Wonders of the World in English Quiz How much do you know about the wonders of the world? Airport Terminologies in English Quiz Are you a regular traveller? Do you know all the airport terminologies in English? Cars and Car Parts in English Quiz Do you know how a car works and about the parts that make them run?

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