الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2012

تعليم محادثة الانجليزية لكنات ولهجات وعامية انجلترا بريطانيا Accents of England

أهم الوسائل المفيدة في تعليم المحادثة هي القراءة الكثيرة للمجلات والجرائد والقصص التي تحتوي على مقاطع الحوار أو الديالوج, لأن هذا الحوار سوف يعلمك الكثير عن تقنيات المحادثة, كما أنك ستتعلم المصطلحات العامية المهمة عبر مشاهدة مقاطع الأفلام السينمائية, عليك أن تقوم بالتركيز على الأفلام التي تحتوي على الكثير من الحوار والمحادثات الانجليزية مثل المسلسلات الغرامية الرومانسية. فيلم تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لمساعدتك على حفظ كلمات ومفردات لكنات ولهجات وعامية انجلترا بريطانيا Accents of England بسهولة. أهم العبارات الانجليزية المستعملة في العامية والشارع, كيفية نطق الحروف الجر في الجملة بسرعة, تعليم النطق السريع للجمل الانجليزية. Your normal accent seems to be estruarian which is a new standard non-regional accent that has appeared since I left England in the mid-60s to live in Australia. Accents are always evolving and changing and perhaps fading. RP is dying. The younger Royals speak Estruarian rather than RP. The Aussie accent is changing and is now less broad. Accents also differ between generations, older southern Americans speak non-rhotically but younger ones are now rhotic like general American. · 3 Lauren Taylor Lauren Taylor 3 months ago "People from Birmingham sound a bit thick" thanks :) · All Comments (868) Sam Kamal click to leave a comment Reema Hamm Reema Hamm 21 hours ago when i was in bristol the first thing i thought was "damn, they exaggerate their 'R' like we do." yeah. so. not to insult you, but i have no idea where ppl who speak non-rhotically are. if you do, let me know. · in reply to Michael watkins (Show the comment) Reema Hamm Reema Hamm 21 hours ago about deep southern american thing....i' from southern georgia.have lived here my whole life. traveled throughout the south too.my grandparents&my parents speak VERY rhotically,as do every southerner ive ever met.i always hear this idea ur presenting &even had ppl fight w/ me about it, yet they can never tell me WHERE in the south the non-rhotically ppl (old or young) are. (cont...) · in reply to Michael watkins (Show the comment) Andy Sewell Andy Sewell 1 week ago Coronation Street is most definitely a fictitous street supposedly in the Manchester area(Lancashire) hence not in Yorkshire ... and subsequently the actors in Coronation Street do not potray their characters using a Yorkshire accent, but rather a lancastrian accent. · jjaammeess1995 jjaammeess1995 1 week ago Was this just a way to call everone thick? · james puff james puff 1 week ago duhhhh and where do they border duhhhhh YORKSHIRE you silly sod alot of it has rubbed off i dont think you have actually heard a rural person from derbyshire speak have you? · in reply to ElectricDrexms (Show the comment) TheWunderwaffeDg2 TheWunderwaffeDg2 2 weeks ago Well nowadays you might aswell just do a fuking indian accent not being racist but seriously in a few years UK will be overrun by indians right now i still see at least 4 indians if i look over my shoulder and most of them are all nobheads too so all the prick indians should be kicked out. Irrelevant... Maybe... Oh well.

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